We are seeking sponsorship for our Fur Rondy Royalty Program. Sponsorship funds help support public appearances, community service projects, prizes, and scholarships for the candidates that comprise the Royal Court. Our Rondy Royalty are representatives of the Fur Rondy festival that are well spoken and excited to share the Anchorage and Fur Rondy experience with Alaskans and visitors all year long. Thank you for considering investing in our program and supporting this long-standing tradition in the great city of Anchorage.
Please contact the Rondy office for more information on sponsorship by emailing Dakotah@furrondy.net or by calling 907-419-0064.
If you are interested in purchasing an advertisement in our program book, please visit the online Rondy Store HERE. Program book staff will design the ad, at no charge, but all elements (photo, logo, sentiment, contact info, etc.) should be included by the deadline.
We are excited to work with you.
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Would you prefer to support the Rondy Royalty in another way?
As a means to offer our candidates something special for the hard work they put into our rigorous selection process for the Fur Rondy Royal Court, we are seeking in-kind donations of gift certificates and/or "swag" from your business. We are currently seeking items to fill 30 gift bags. All items are welcome and appreciated. With your donation, you will receive: